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B-1190 Bruxelles

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Metal tube and protecting tubes

The protecting tubes or/and the thermowells can be fabricate into different materials, the choice of them depends of the min/max temperatures, the utilisation and the environment conditions.


Herewith some examples of metallic tubes that we have on stock:

-Stainless steels : AISI 316, AISI 304 etc.….

-Fire proof steels : AISI 446, AISI 314 etc.…..

-Inconel 600, Hastelloy etc.…….

We can also deliver the tubes into different lengths and diameters.

They can aslo be realized following your drawing with raccords ou brides.



Ceramics tubes and cover

The ceramic protecting tubes are principally used on elevated temperatures, there where the metallic tubes can't be employed or when those lives times give no more satisfaction.

Into" the technical properties" you will find a table that gives you the most used tubes with their characteristics.

Herewith some examples of ceramic tubes that we have on stock:

- Sillimantin-60 C530

- Pythagoras C610

- Alsint C799

We can also deliver the tubes into different lengths and diameters.



Pearls and ceramic isolation

The ceramic pearls with one or more holes will be used to insulate the sensor conductors.

We have an important stock and can provide it into different lengths and diameters.



Into our large game of products we can help you to select the choice who is the most adapted for your application. Please do not hesitate to contact us on following e-mail address